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Facilities – farmer.org.in

Facilities Available


  1. Agri inputs quality testing laboratory:

 A quality testing laboratory for agri inputs and soil has been set up by the organization at Ghaziabad, UP under the project sponsored by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, wherein, the facilities for conducting following tests are available:


Sr. no Name of input Details of testing
1. Soil Soil density, particle density, texture, structure. water holding capacity, pH, organic carbon %, available nitrogen, phosphate, potash, EC, GR value, available calcium, sulphur, magnesium etc
2. Seed Blotter test, grow out test, TEZ test and other tests,
3. Chemical  fertilizers/Manures Available NPK and other nutrients.
4. Bio-fertilizers and Bio-pesticides CFU, pH, antagonistic capacity, contamination in  bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides like Trichoderma, PseudomonasBaveria.basianametarhizzium, verticilium, NPV, bacillus, Azobacter, Azospirrilum, Rhizobium and PSB etc.
5. Chemical insecticide and pesticide  Testing of active ingredients.
6. Pesticide contamination/ residue Testing of pesticides residue in agri produce.


  2. Farmer’s Service centre

A farmer service centre has been set up by the FARMER at Ghaziabad for giving technical information to the farmers on agriculture, dairy & animal husbandry, organic cultivation and Central & State Government’s schemes related to agriculture and allied activities. The following facilities are available at the centre:
1. Panel of experts on different subjects of agriculture,
2. Information on animal husbandry, agricultural and horticultural crops, organic cultivation, agriculture machinery, seed production, agriculture marketing and value addition of agriculture produce.
3. Advice to the farmers to solve their agri. related problems.
4. Information of govt. and non govt. schemes being implemented in the area.
5. Availability of literature on agriculture.
6. Initiate action to draw attention of the govt. to solve the agriculture problems of farmers.

3. Farmers training Centre

A training centre for imparting training to farmers on various subjects has been set by the FARMER at Ghaziabad having adequate training facilities with a sitting capacity for 50 farmers at a time. The details of trainings programme to be organized at this centre are- :

1. Soil testing;- Importance of soil testing in crop production and its testing procedures.
2. Quality testing of Agri. Inputs: – Importance of quality testing of agri inputs, their quality parameters and testing procedures.
3. Organic Cultivation:-Importance of organic farming, methodology of adoption, certification, availability of organic inputs, quality parameters and production etc.
4Integrated Pest Management (IPM):- Importance and methods of adopting IPM
5. Pest control: – Importance of pest control in agriculture, storage, institutional and residential premises, its methodology and precautions.