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farmer.org.in – FARMER

About - FARMER

FARMER is a national development organisation established by a group of senior scientists from agriculture research institutes and different sectors of agriculture. It started its operation in the year 2002. The main objective of this organisation is to mobilise large farming community for adopting available appropriate agri-technologies and techniques that help them to sustain productivity of various agricultural and horticulture crops. With the relentless efforts of various field trails and laboratory testing of agri-inputs over 19 years, we have gained a rich experience of managing pre and post-harvest agriculture operations. Read More…

Our Vision

Create farms that would run profitably through appropriate farming systems and produce commodities that have both urban and rural consumption market.

Our Mission

Create informed pool of farm families with modern agriculture techniques and technology products for infusing efficiency in farming sector by empowering rural communities, SHGs, FPOs, NGOs, CBOs, agri-entrepreneurs for use of high quality farm inputs, better crop production, climate resilient agriculture, handholding support for value-addition in post-harvest management and food-system.

Our Philosophy

Shared knowledge reservoir for rural prosperity through sustainable farming practices , empowering farmer & consumer and smart marketing pathways

Project 1

Appropriate Biotechnologies Communication and Diffusion (ABCD) with special reference to biological agents (bio-fertilizers & bio-pesticides) production and GM seed quality for Rural Development – Phase I

Project 2

Conducted pilot survey of emergence of adult beetles & white grub infestation on sugarcane.

Project 3

Conducted laboratory and field trails to assess efficacy of Entomo Pathogenic Nematode (EPN), Heterorhabditis indica and Steinernema on white grub control in collaboration with IARI.

Project 4

Published and distributed booklet & pamphlets on management of white grub.

Project 5

Encouraged farmers to make Self Help Groups for creating common production units for organic inputs and market linked processing units for organic agri produce.

Project 6

Participated in Kisaan Gosthies and Kisaan Mela (s) organized by KVK, State Department of Agriculture & Horticulture.

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