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News & Media – farmer.org.in

Foundation for Agricultural Resources Management and Environmental Remediation (FARMER), Ghaziabad. Is working for farmer welfare and research & development through various projects funded by, DBT, DST, ( Ministry of Science & Technology), ICAR, IARI , ( Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare), Government of India.

Biotech-KISAN Hub has been established at Ghaziabad. And this project is being implemented by FARMER along with partnering Institutes; ICAR – IARI, New Delhi, ICAR – CPRIC, Meerut, SVPUA&T, Meerut through KVKs, G. B. Nagar, Ghaziabad/Hapur in the agro climatic zone of Upper Gangetic Plains Region . Field days, Field demonstrations, trainings have been organized for farmers on development of entrepreneurship in rural youths and women, crop residue management, biodegradation, quality seed inputs etc.

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